1/28/21 RISE Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the RISE Development Corporation January 28, 2021
Director James Dates, Chair, called the meeting to order at 9:22 a.m. At roll call, the following were in attendance:
Present at Roll:
- Director James Dates, Chair
- Director Stephanie Owens
- Director Jerrilyn Evans
- Director Angel Charlton
- Director Terri Lipsey Scott
Staff Present:
- Michael Lundy, Chief Executive Officer
- Danielle Thomas, Chief Operating Officer
- Carolyn Avington Chief Financial Officer
- Robin Adams, Asset Management Officer
- Larry Butler, Social Services Officer
- Audria Davis, Compliance Officer
- Larry Gonzalez, Housing Choice Voucher Officer
- Pamela Hobbs, Procurement Officer
- Andrea Joyal, Acting Finance Officer
- Jackie Roberson, Human Resources Officer
- Mikayla Gleason, Communications Specialist
- Kaela Bell, Executive Office Manager
Others Present:
- Ric Gilmore, Attorney, Saxon Gilmore & Carraway, P.A.
- Luis Garcia, Housing and Community Development Specialist, City of St. Petersburg
- Kimberly Brown-Williams, RISE Director (not yet appointed)
SUBJECT: Approval of the Agenda
BOARD ACTION: Director Evans made a motion to approve the agenda. Director Owens seconded the motion. A vote was called:
- Director James Dates YES
- Director Stephanie Owens YES
- Director Jerrilyn Evans YES
- Director Terri Lipsey Scott PRESENT (TECH ERRORS)
- Director Angel Charlton YES
SUBJECT: Public Forum
There was no Public Forum. Attorney Ric Gilmore noted that Kimberly Brown-Williams, who was appointed to the Board of Directors but not yet sworn in, was also present.
SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes of the December 10, 2020
BOARD ACTION: Director Owens made a motion to approve the minutes for December 10, 2020. Director Evans seconded the motion. A vote was called:
- Director James Dates YES
- Director Stephanie Owens YES
- Director Jerrilyn Evans YES
- Director Terri Lipsey Scott PRESENT (TECH ERRORS)
- Director Angel Charlton YES
SUBJECT: Financial Report
Carolyn Avington, Chief Financial Officer, gave a brief overview of the financial report that was previously discussed in the workshop on January 27, 2021.
BOARD ACTION: Director Evans made a motion to approve the November Financial Report for audit. Director Owens seconded the motion. A vote was called:
- Director James Dates YES
- Director Stephanie Owens YES
- Director Jerrilyn Evans YES
- Director Terri Lipsey Scott PRESENT (TECH ERRORS)
- Director Angel Charlton YES
SUBJECT: Jordan Park Redevelopment
Mr. Lundy shared with the Board of Directors that the Authority is ready to move forward with the redevelopment of Jordan Park, including the submission of a demolition disposition in the following month. He also discussed how the Authority is working with and providing aid for residents impacted by the redevelopment. Funding options were also discussed.
SUBJECT: Old Business
Mr. Lundy informed the Board that SPHA has followed up with HUD regarding errors in the 2017 HUD Demolition/Disposition submission. In December, the Authority received approval from HUD on the application modification. In the December 21, 2020 approval letter, HUD acknowledged the errors recently identified by SPHA in its 2017 HUD demolition Disposition submission.
SUBJECT: New Business
The Board discussed the upcoming elections to committees and Board roles.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:44 a.m.
Approved and adopted on this 25th day of February 2021.